Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Early Bird Catches The Bus

...and the late bird has to break down and drive her car.

Yes Dear Readers, I'm sorry to disappoint you, I missed the bus. I was forced take my car in order to get to work at WPRK 91.5 FM on time this morning. I guess I wasn't forced, it's not like I car jacked myself! I did however have to choose between being almost an hour late for the show I co-host and being there on time by driving myself. I chose not to let my quest to be a greener me effect my responsibilities.
I'm very disappointed in myself, however I realize that a big part of my "bussing it experiment" was seeing if I could deal with the time constraints riding the bus would put upon me. Today's example: Having to be somewhere at 8am means catching a 6:45am bus to get there! I think a 6:45am bus was a bit too ambitious of me, yeah maybe just a bit. I'm not saying I couldn't work up to it, or wake up to it, but for my second day as a Lynx Bus rider and my second month as an early(er) riser catching a 6:45am bus may have been too lofty a goal.
Oh well, I'll drive home from work, park my car back in it's resting spot and tomorrow it will be on to day 3 of my experiment. Everyone's entitled to a slip-up, right?

1 comment:

  1. Progress...no matter how small is still progress. Nobody expects perfection, the fact that you are willing to give your time and energy to this effort is great. We are looking foward to following your blog all week.
